Accepted Proposals

Two calls for proposals per year: 1st January 2024 - 15th June 2024 | 1st July 2024 - 15th December 2024


First Call

Large-Scale Projects

- Porto-sinusoidal vascular disorder: Identification of new therapies & risk stratification
PI: Virginia Hernández

- Phase II stUdy of ALoCelyvir in patientS with mEtastatic Uveal Melanoma (PULSE-UM)
PI: Josep M Piulats
Institution: IDIBELL

- Novel cancer immunotherapy - Blocking lipid reprogramming based on maps of metastatic transcriptomes (LipIMMUNE)
PI: Holger Heyn
Institution: CNAG

- Caracterización en Sangre Periférica de una Firma Génica de Rechazo Humoral Común en Trasplantes de Órganos Sólidos
PI: Maria Meneghini
Institution: Hospital Universitari Vall Hebron

- Development and implementation of a functional genomics platform for undiagnosed hereditary cancer (IMPaCT_VUSCan)
PI: Conxi Lazaro
Institution: IDIBELL

- Deciphering the genomic heterogeneity responsible for distant metastases in breast cancer patients through liquid biopsy
PI: Roberto Piñeiro Cid
Institution: FIDIS

- Feasibility analysis of implementing whole-genome sequencing for breast cancer genetic diagnosis and risk stratification
PI: Sara Gutiérrez-Enríquez
Institution: VHIO

- Elucidating the role of SCNAs as biomarker in lung cancer
PI: Ramon Amat
Institution: VHIO

- IndividualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtualpatient models for precision paediatric oncology’ — ‘iPC’ (‘action’)
PI: Carolina Armengol Niell
Institution: IGTP

- Diagnosis and follow-up of undefined autoinflammatory diseases through the application of transcriptomic and advanced genomic technologies
PI: Anna Mensa-Vilaro
Institution: Hospital Clinic Barcelona

- Epigenetic regulation of host immunity and neurological long-term consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection
PI: Christian Brander
Institution: IrsiCaixa

- Water restriction, and gastrointestinal parasite infection in meat sheep: biomarkers associated to stress tolerance and modulation through sainfoin inclusion (EWESTRESS)
PI: Jorge Hugo Calvo
Institution: CITA

- Generation of resources for evolutionary studies
PI: Tomas Marques
Institution: UPF

- Precision Health for Neuromuscular Diseases
PI: Hanns Lochmuller
Institution: CHEO

- Identification of new genetic causes associated with poor prognosis in patients who have suffered retinal detachment. Characterisation of retinal neurodegeneration
PI: Ricardo Usategui-Martín
Institution: Universidad de Valladolid

- Understanding Lung Cancer related risk factors and their Impact (LUCIA)
PI: Ivo Gut
Institution: CNAG

- Role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) and mitochondria in immune activation and inflammation during HIV infection: impact of ART and long-term viral suppression
PI: Eva Poveda
Institution: Galicia Sur Health Research Institute

- WOMEC Advanced: Nuevas aproximaciones para el diagnóstico de cáncer de endometrio
PI: Eva Colás
Institution: Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research

- Extracellular vesicles and genetic variants as risk biomarkers of significant preclinical atherosclerosis independent of clinical cardiovascualr risk
PI: Gemma Chiva-Blanch
Institution: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

- Proteome analysis of cross-regulation among RNA processing factors
PI: Juan Valcarcel
Institution: Centre for Genomic Regulation

- Identification of exosomal proteins as prognostic and therapeutic markers in non-small cell lung cancer
PI: Antonio Altuna Coy
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

- Identification of Pharmacologically Actionable Biomarkers for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis
PI: Elisa Monzón Casanova
Institution: Almirall SA

- De novo chromophore-protein complexes for light harvesting
PI: Luis Gustavo Duarte
Institution: Institut Catala de Investigació Química

- New energy-sensing metabolites: Preclinical studies in specific Sucnr1-deficient obese mouse models undergoing intermittent fasting diet
PI: Victòria Ceperuelo Mallafré
Institution: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

- Biopsia líquida en esclerosis múltiple. Un abordaje no invasivo para determinar el pronóstico de la enfermedad y la identificación de nuevos tratamientos.
PI: Sunny Malhotra
Institution: Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research

- A multiomics approach to investigate the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and to identify novel blood biomarkers of the disease
PI: Cristóbal Richart Jurado
Institution: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

- Investigation of the impact on the endothelium of the use of therapies for hematological malignancies and other hematological diseases with high mortality rates
PI: Maribel Diaz-Ricart
Institution: IDIBAPS



1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023

Large-Scale Projects

- Study of the Impact of the Tumor Microenvironment on Immunotherapy in Glioblastoma. 
PI: Joan Seoane
Institution: VHIO

- Raising diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic perspectives in interstitial lung diseases (ILD)-ERA-LEARN (RAREILD). 
PI: Maria Molina
Institution: IDIBELL

- Unravelling the molecular mechanisms of avian influenza virus infection outcome in the avian host by using a multi-omics approach.
PI: Natalia Majo
Institution: CreSA IRTA

- Multi-omic data integration for rare diseases diagnostics (Omics-RD)
PI: Anna Esteve Codina
Institution: CNAG

- NAGEN-Mx: Development and evaluation of a personalized screening strategy for breast cancer in Navarra.
PI: Ángel Alonso Sánchez
Institution: Navarra Biomed

- Role of stress in the facultative migration of the glass eel (Anguilla Anguilla).
PI: Maren Ortiz
Institution: Universidad del País Vasco-EHU

- How does the immune microenvironment influence the pattern of metastatic spread and survival in colorectal cancer patients? A study of paired primary and metastatic tumors.
PI: Cristina Santos
Institution: ICO

- Non-genomic Inheritance of environmentally-induced traits: Deciphering epigenetically-driven genetic variation in mammals
PI: Josep Jiménez
Institution: Sant Joan de Déu

- Clinical and molecular studies of neurogenetic disorders in Senegal (and West Africa).  
PI: Pedro Rodríguez
Institution: CNAG

- Solving undiagnosed Rare Diseases: SOLVE-RD and iGenCo projects.
PI: Sergi Beltran
Institution: CNAG

- ReproNAGEN
PI: Jesús Zabaleta
Institution: Navarra Biomed

- Salivary dysfunctions and consequences after radioiodine treatment in thyroid cancer patients.
PI: Gemma Armengol
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

- In vivo reprogramming to rescue alterations in Huntington’s disease
PI: Josep M Canals Coll
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

- 3TR: Taxonomy, Treatment, Targets and Remission: Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, relapses and remission in Autoimmune Inflammatory Conditions 
PI: Ivo Gut
Institution: CNAG

- Mass spec of zebrafish embryos at different temperatures
PI: Vikas Trivedi
Institution: EMBL Barcelona

- Proteomic analysis of water and land planarians
PI: Rosa Fernández
Institution: Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, UPF-CSIC)

- Analysis of CM derived from CDK4/6i responder and non-responder cell lines
PI: Manuel Collado Rodríguez
Institution: IDIS

- Proteome and phosphoproteome of ovarian cancer cell lines overexpressing BORA
PI: Anna Santamaria
Institution: VHIR

- Defining DYRKs interactome: characterization of proximity-dependent interactions and identification of direct substrates
PI: Susana de la Luna
Institution: Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

- Defining DYR K1’s-dependent secretoma in pancreatic cancer
PI: Susana de la Luna
Institution: Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

- GODS21: Gene overdosage and comorbidities during the early lifetime in Down Syndrome
PI: Mara Dierssen
Institution: Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

- Using chromatin proteomics to investigate the origin and evolution of eukaryotic chromatin
PI: Arnau Sebe-Pedrós
Institution: Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

- Environmental toxicity chemical mixtures through an innovative platform based on aged cardiac tissue model [ALTERNATIVE]
PI: Salvador Fernández Arroyo
Institution: EURECAT

- Global Omic Data Integration on Animal, Vegetal and Environment Sectors [GLOMICAVE]
PI: Xavier Domingo
Institution: EURECAT

- Clinical and in vitro study of lipoprotein-specific apolipoprotein CIII glycoforms as a combined biomarker of diabetes and its associated cardiovascular risk in the prospective Di@betes cohort
PI: Josep Ribalta
Institution: URV/IISPV

PI: Ivo Gut
Institution: CNAG

- Single-cell resolution of primary CRC microenvironment and matched liver tumour metastasis.
PI: Holger Heyn
Institution: CNAG

- The Pancreas Microbiome and Pancreatic Cancer Recurrence and Survival.
PI: Victor Moreno
Institution: IDIBELL / ICO

- SEHOP-PENCIL study- Personalised Medicine for Cancer in children in Spain.
PI: Aroa Soriano Fernández
Institution: VHIR

- Molecular basis of healthy obesity: understanding pathology through paradoxical phenotypes.
PI: Stefania Carobbio
Institution: Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe

- Study of inflammatory bowel disease heterogeneity using single-cell analysis.
PI: Azucena Salas
Institution: IDIBAPS

PI: Maria del Mar Mañù Pereira
Institution: VHIR

- Whole exome analysis of 1000 Latin American patients affected by a neuromuscular disease.
PI: Ana Topf
Institution: Newcastle University

- Identification of new phenotypes of undifferentiated autoinflammatory diseases in adults, and utility of advanced genomic techniques to establish a monogenic origin and targeted therapies.
PI: José Hernández-Rodríguez
Institution: FRCB-IDIBAPS

- Developing early warning systems for improved microalgae production and anaerobic digestion.
PI: Ramiro Logares
Institution: Instituto de Ciencias del Mar – CSIC

- Exploring the Role of FAHFAs in RBP4 and GLUT Metabolism in Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis: A Comprehensive Study in Women with Morbid Obesity.
PI: Cristóbal Manuel Richart Jurado
Institution: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

- Biodiversity Genomics Europe.
PI: Ivo Gut
Institution: CNAG

- African Swine Fever: from Emergency Responses to Endemicity Prevention.
PI: Jordi Argilaguet Marquès
Institution: CReSA

* Most of these large-scale projects, that have been approved by the Access Committee, involve several accesses to OmicsTech.

Additionally, in 2023 OmicsTech has processed many medium/small-scale projects successfully evaluated in national or international competitive calls.


1 January 2022 – 31 December 2022

Large-Scale Projects*

- Colorectal cancer in adolescents and young adults: identification of germline predisposition and somatic insults by a comprehensive multiomic characterization
PI: Sergi Castellví-Bel
Institution: IDIBAPS-Hosp. Clínic

- A mechanistic and single-cell study of the causes and consequences of chromatin activation in mantle cell lymphoma
PI: José Ignacio Martín-Subero
Institution: IDIBAPS

- Comprehensive RNA expression and DNA repair functional analysis of clinically actionable hereditary breast/ovarian cancer genes in patients with uninformative multi-gene panel result
PI: Sara Gutiérrez-Enríquez
Institution: VHIO

- Targets in skin and serum of patients with moderate-severe psoriasis and their subsequent classification for selection of existing biological treatment
PI: Silvia Vidal
Institution: IIB Sant Pau

- NF1-Associated Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors at Single-Cell Resolution: Heterogeneity, Tumor Growth, and Malignant Progression
PI: Eduard Serra
Institution: IGTP

- New therapies targeting fibroadipogenic cell subpopulations implicated in muscle degeneration
PI: Xavier Suárez Calvet
Institution: IIB Sant Pau

- Meiosis Phosphoproteome Atlas: Role of Alternative CDKs in Meiotic Progression
PI: Jose Ayte
Institution: UPF

- A PRM method to quantify a panel of blood biomarkers of synapse degeneration in neurodegenerative diseases     
PI: Olivia Belbin
Institution: IIB Sant Pau

- Nutrition, braing aging and neurodegeneration (NBAN)   
PI: Gemma Guillazo-Blanch
Institution: UAB

- Development of a gene therapy-based treatment for Friedreich Ataxia. Identification of relevant biomarkers  
PI: Antoni Matilla
Institution: IGTP

- Develop novel tools to identify the personalized antigens targeted by T cells in cancer patients and Non-invasive, personalized, T-cell therapies targeting recurrent hot spot driver mutations in cancer
PI: Alena Gros
Institution: VHIO

- Mitochondrial homeostasis as a central hub of longevity - identification of the mitoproteome linked to a healthy aging
PI: Elena Hidalgo
Institution: UPF

- Phenotypic Characterization of Pulmonary Hypertension in Respiratory Diseases
PI: Joan Albert Barberà
Institution: IDIBAPS-Hosp Clínic

- Effect of neuromuscular activity on the interaction between the muscarinic and neurotrophic synaptic signaling. Role in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. MAChRALS
PI: Maria Angel Lanuza
Institution: URV

- Omics profile associated with HIV disease progression: looking for new biomarkers and for new therapeutic targets to achieve HIV functional cure (Proteomics)
PI: Anna Rull
Institution: IISPV

- Biomarcadores en enfermedad celiaca
PI: Fernando Fernández-Bañares
Institution: Hosp Mutua Terrassa

- Omics profile associated with HIV disease progression: looking for new biomarkers and for new therapeutic targets to achieve HIV functional cure (COS)
PI: Anna Rull
Institution: IISPV

- Lipoprotein and glycoprotein determination by 1H-NMR
PI: Núria Amigó
Institution: Biosfer Teslab

- Estudio de las interacciones microbioma-anfitrión para la prevención del cáncer colorectal (Colonbiome)
PI: Víctor Moreno
Institution: ICO

- Variabilidad funcional de las células madre mesenquimales del tejido adiposo (ASCs) tras la pérdida de peso. Relación con metafactores vinculados a la microbiota intestinal
PI: Silvia Pellitero
Institution: IGTP

- Associations of plasma tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites and trimethylamine n-oxide with risk of major adverse cardiovascular disease events and death in acute coronary syndrome
PI: Christopher Papandreou/Alfredo Bardaji
Institution: Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili

- Deciphering the functional landscape of splicing alterations and exploring their potential as druggable targets in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
PI: José Cervera
Institution: Hospital La Fe

PI: Margarita Torrente
Institution: URV

- Identification of cellular factors that are essential for SARS-CoV-2 entry in several human tissues
PI: Holger Heyn
Institution: CNAG

- Biotypes in Autism Spectrum Disorders: relationship with clinical evolution and response to drugs
PI: María José Parellada
Institution: IiSGM

- Biomarkers of Response to Immunotherapy through Comprehensive Immunophenotyping of Gastric Adenocarcinoma
PI: Robert Montal
Institution: IRB Lleida

- Implementation and assessment of a rapid Whole Exome Sequencing protocol in pediatric patients admitted to critical or highly complex units
PI: María Palomares-Bralo
Institution: INGEMM, Hospital Universitario La Paz

- Unraveling Novel Molecular Mechanisms in Autoinflammatory Diseases
PI: Juan Ignacio Aróstegui
Institution: Hospital Clínic

- PROMINENT: Discovering the molecular signatures of cancer PROMotion to INform prevENTion
PI: Núria López-Bigas
Institution: IRB Barcelona

- Study of genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of lymphoid neoplasms and their clinical implications
PI: Elias Campo
Institution: Hospital Clinic / IDIBAPS

- ImpactT2D: una estrategia genómica para implementar medicina de precisión en la diabetes tipo
PI: Jorge Ferrer
Institution: CRG

- DTG/3TC VS.BIC/FTC/TAF maintenance therapy in people living with HIV: an open-label randomized clinical trial (PASO-DOBLE)
PI: Anna Rull Aixa
Institution: Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili

- Omics and Artificial Intelligence as Tools to Understand Molecular Mechanisms of Insulin Resistance and Obese Children During Puberty
PI: Concepción María Aguilera García
Institution: Universidad de Granada - FIBAO


* Most of these large-scale projects, that have been approved by the Access Committee, involve several accesses to OmicsTech.

Additionally, in 2022 OmicsTech has processed many medium/small-scale projects successfully evaluated in national or international competitive calls.


1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021

Large-Scale Projects*

- Comprehensive and translational approach fo ASD diagnosis: genetic and functional assessment
PI: Ángel Carracedo
Institution: USC

- Expanding the genetic etiological and diagnostic spectrum of monogenic diabetes mellitus
PI: Jorge Ferrer
Institution: CRG

- Study of the innate mechanisms determining the tolerant response against tuberculosis in the Drosophila melanogaster model
PI: J.M. Cardona
Institution: IGTP

- Contribution of rare variants to the low bone density phenotype of individuals from a population based cohort of postmenopausal women from the Barcelona area
PI: Susana Balcells
Institution: UB

- Identification of broodstock performance indicators and markers to boost the aquaculture of emerging fish species (BestBrood)
PI: Manuel Manchado
Institution: IFAPA

- Procurement of Services in Support of Research Into the Mutational Landscape of Breast Cancers in African (Ghana and Kenya) and Asian studies, and of Ductal Carcinoma in situ Breast Cancers
PI: Montse Garcia
Institution: NCI

- Genomic characterization of Human Papillomavirus-independent Vulvar Squamous Cell Carcinomas and its precursor lesions
PI: Natalia Rakislova
Institution: ISGlobal

- Genomic heterogeneity of circulating tumor cells
PI: David Posada
Institution: Universidade de Vigo

- Utilización de herramientas masivas de secuenciación y genotipado para evaluar el impacto de la variación genética sobre fenotipos lecheros y de viabilidad en ganado caprino
PI: Marcelo Amils
Institution: CRAG

- The rogue epigenome of rhabdoid tumours - define to treat
PI: Alexandra Avgustinova
Institution: Fundació Sant Joan de Déu

- Modeling 7q11.23 aneusomy syndromes with iPSC-derived neurons
PI: Roser Corominas
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

- Rare variant burden contribution to psychiatric disorders in a child-adolescent population with borderline/ mild intellectual disability
PI: Miriam Guitart
Institution: Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli

- Gocitrus: Identification and management of citrus
PI: Manuel Talón
Institution: IVIA

- De novo assembly genome Solea senegalensis
PI: Paulino Martínez
Institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

- Secretome-dependent modification of the tumor niche in pancreatic adenocarcinoma by DYRK protein kinases
PI: Cristina Fillat/Susana de la Luna
Institution: IDIBAPS/CRG

- Proteomic, metabolomic and lipidomics analysis for a study of a treatment response in HIV-infected patients (DOLAM)
PI: Anna Rull Aixa
Institution: Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili

- Microbiota-derived GPCR-mediated signaling metabolites as potential new biomarkers for the prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus risk
PI: Gemma Llauradó
Institution: Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili

- Identification of biomarkers based on energy metabolism and oxidative stress in patients with urinary catheter-associated infections and development of biosensors for their determination in primary and hospital care
PI: Jordi Camps
Institution: HU Sant Joan de Reus - URV

- Mecanismos moleculares y marcadores biológicos de los procesos metabólicos y epigenéticos que resultan del tratamiento de la obesidad
PI: Jorge Joven
Institution: Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili

- GLOMICAVE. Global omics data integration on animal, vegetal and environment sectors
PI: Núria Canela
Institution: EURECAT

- VISIONING: coVId-19 prognoSIs tOol, aN affordable metabolomic artificial Intelligence-assisted blood testiNG analysis
PI: Xavier Correig
Institution: Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili

- Dense core vesicles in neurons and astrocytes: exocytotic mechanisms and their potential use as neurodegenerative
PI: Fernando Aguado
Institution: UB

- Identification of age-related Human Blood factors as a therapeutic target for Alzheimer's disease {HeBe)
PI: Marc Suárez-Calvet
Institution: BBRC

- Understanding the DYRK kinases interactome: proximity-dependent labeling approaches for the identification of
novel substrates and interacting protein partners
PI: Susana de la Luna
Institution: CRG


* Most of these large-scale projects, that have been approved by the Access Committee, involve several accesses to OmicsTech.

Additionally, in 2021 OmicsTech has processed many medium/small-scale projects successfully evaluated in national or international competitive calls.


1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020

Large-Scale Projects

- The landscape and functional consequences of DNA mismatch repair failures in human cells
PI: Donate Weghorn 
Institution: Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
Subprojects: 2

- Decision on optimal combinatorial therapies in IMIDs using systems approaches
PI: Holger Heyn 
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 0

- Human Cell Atlas of the Pancreas
PI: Holger Heyn 
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 1

- Acute myeloid leukemia leukemic initiating cells: contribution of hipoxia/hif pathway to chemoresistance and relapse
PI: Talia Velasco/Pablo Menéndez
Institution: Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
Subprojects: 2

- Dissecting glioblastoma invasion using novel mouse models
PI: Simona Parrinello 
Institution: University College London
Subprojects: 1

- Study of the mutational footprint of anti-cancer therapies in secondary neoplasms
PI: Núria López-Bigas 
Institution: IRB Barcelona
Subprojects: 6

- Clinico-biological characerization of acute myeloid leukemia not molecularly defined: gene mutation and gene expression profile, clonal architecture, prognosis, novel treatment sensitivity
PI: Jordi Esteve 
Institution: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Subprojects: 2

- NAGENCOL: Personalising the management of hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease prevention in Navarra
PI: Ander Ernaga Lorea
Institution: Navarrabiomed & Navarra Hospital Complex
Subprojects: 1

- Screening signatures of endometrial and ovarian cancers: Options for early detection (SCREENWIDE)
PI: Laura Costas
Institution: Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO)
Subprojects: 2

- The regulatory GENomE of SWine and CHicken: functional annotation during development
PI: Maria Ballester
Institution: Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA)
Subprojects: 3

- Nutritional foetal programming in swine, impact on piglet survival and immunity in commercial and Iberian breeds
PI: Enric Esteve Garcia
Institution: Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA)
Subprojects: 0

- Advancing Liquid Biopsies for Monitoring and Personalized Treatment of Children with Neuroblastoma (LIQUIDHOPE)
PI: Jaime Font de Mora
Institution: La Fe Health Research Institute
Subprojects: 3

- SERPENTINE: Single cEll pRofiling PErsistaNce To ImmuNothErapy
PI: Holger Heyn
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 0

- Toward a new understanding and clinical stratification of COPD through the molecular mechanisms underlying different vital lung function trajectories
PI: Rosa Faner
Institution: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Subprojects: 1

- Mechanisms of actions of cladribine in the regulation of immune responses
PI: Nicolás Fissolo
Institution: Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research
Subprojects: 3

PI: Eva Colás Ortega
Institution: Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research
Subprojects: 3

- Metabolomics biomarkers of healthy aging
PI: José Manuel Fernández-Real
Institution: Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr Josep Trueta
Subprojects: 1

- Estudi metabolòmic i lipidòmic de mostres de sèrum/plasma de pacients amb COVID-19
PI: Anna Rull Aixa
Institution: Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
Subprojects: 1

- Estudi proteòmic de mostres de sèrum/plasma de pacients amb COVID-19
PI: Anna Rull Aixa
Institution: Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII
Subprojects: 1


Medium/Small-Scale Projects

In this call 223 medium/small-scale projects justified by competitive funding have been processed by OmicsTech.


1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019

Large-Scale Projects

- Genomic basis for the evolution of alkaloid defense and colour aposematism in Mantellid frogs
PI: David Vieites Rodriguez
Institution: CSIC
Subprojects: 0

- In vitro study of neurodevelopment in Huntington's disease
PI: Josep Canals
Institution: UB
Subprojects: 4

- Prospective identification of biologic predictors to PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors in advanced bladder cancer
PI: Joaquim Bellmunt
Institution: IMIM
Subprojects: 11

- Cystinuria: Identification and charcaterization of new genes and cystine lithiasis modulators as therapeutical targets
PI: Virginia Nunes
Institution: IDIBELL
Subprojects: 1

- Single-cell genomics to comprehensively understand healthy B-cell maturation and transformation to chronic lymphocytic leukemia
PI: Holger Heyn
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 36

- High-throughput single-cell sequencing for the study of the effect of albumin on systemic inflammation in cirrhosis and ACLF
PI: Joan Clària
Institution: Hospital Clinic/ EFCLIF
Subprojects: 2

- Dissecting the cellular basis of inflammatory bowel disease through single cell RNA sequencing (CELLBASE)
PI: Azucena Salas
Institution: IDIBAPS
Subprojects: 17

- Improving pig resilience and pork quality through WGS approaches
PI: Joan Estany
Institution: Universitat de Lleida
Subprojects: 4

- Evolution of the “gene-to-protein” regulation in human and non-human primates
PI: Tomàs Marquès
Institution: IBE
Subprojects: 1

- Capsaspora Thermal Stability Profiling
PI: Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo
Institution: IBE
Subprojects: 5

- Precision Medicine to Unmask Ischemic Sudden Cardiac Death: Social Impact and Prevention
PI: Antoni Bayés-Genís
Institution: IGTP
Subprojects: 2

- Integral evaulation of the patients with asymptomatic  severe aortic stenosis
PI: Antoni Bayés-Genís
Institution: IGTP
Subprojects: 2

- Effect of maternal prenatal factors on the neurodevelopment of the child
PI: MA Arija
Institution: Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili
Subprojects: 1

- Análisis metabolómicos para el proyecto Red Española de Investigación en Sida (RIS)
PI: Francesc Vidal Marsal
Institution: Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili
Subprojects: 1

- Mecanismos moleculares y marcadores biológicos de los procesos metabólicos y epigenéticos que resultan del tratamiento de la obesidad
PI: Jorge Joven Maried
Institution: Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili
Subprojects: 1

- Estudio de validación por masa intacta (LC-qTOF) de HSA
PI: Montserrat Costa
Institution: Instituto Grífols
Subprojects: 1

- Estudio de intervención para la comparación de la biodisponibilidad de tres suplementos nutricionales
PI: Juan Ignacio Cacho Aparicio
Institution: Interquim SA
Subprojects: 1

- Análisis de datos metabolómicos arael proyecto “Desarrollo de firmas metabólicas en biopsia líquida como marcadores de respuesta y predictores de tratamiento en pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer de pulmón"
PI: Pedro Sanchez-Rovira
Institution: FIBAO
Subprojects: 1


Medium/Small-Scale Projects

In this call 182 medium/small-scale projects justified by competitive funding have been processed by OmicsTech.


1 January 2018 – 31 December 2018

- Servicio de analisis de secuenciación de RNA, DNA, Chip-Seq, Single Cell and Bisulfite Conversion
PI: Jorge Ferrer
Institution: IDIBAPS
Subprojects: 5

- Exploring mechanisms of resistance in adult and pediatric T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia
PI: Anna Bigas
Institution: IMIM
Subprojects: 7

- Benchmarking single-cell RNA sequencing methods
PI: Holger Heyn
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 2

- Identification of novel genes responsible for hereditary cancer
PI: Conxi Lázaro
Institution: IDIBELL
Subprojects: 2

- Risk individualisation in Lynch syndrome: (non invasive) evaluation of the mutational load as a marker of disease expressivity
PI: Gabril Capellà/Marta Pineda
Institution: IDIBELL
Subprojects: 4

- Analysis of a in-house developed hereditary cancer gene panel for genetic testing of hereditary cancer syndromes
PI: Conxi Lázaro
Institution: IDIBELL
Subprojects: 33

- ICGC-Leiomyosarcoma 
PI: Frederic Chibon
Institution: INSERM
Subprojects: 19

- Global primate variation
PI: Tomàs Marqués-Bonet
Institution: UPF
Subprojects: 0

- NGS for the diagnosis of retinal degenerative diseases and other ocular disorders
PI: Roser González
Institution: UB
Subprojects: 36

- Búsqueda de estrategias moleculares de última generación para la identificación de nuevas dianasterapéuticas y marcadores pronósticos en cáncer de pulmón
PI: Montse Sánchez Céspedes
Institution: IDIBELL
Subprojects: 5

- Promoting SINgle cell GEnomics to explore the ecology and evolution of hidden microeuKaryotes
PI: Ramon Massana
Institution: ICM-CSIC
Subprojects: 16

- Promoting SINgle cell GEnomics to explore the ecology and evolution of hidden microeuKaryotes
PI: Raquel Rabionet
Institution: IRSJD
Subprojects: 0

- PHARMANAGEN: use of whole exome sequencing as a tool for obtaining pharmacogenetic information
PI: Juan José Beloqui
Institution: Navarrabiomed
Subprojects: 13

- Empowering consumers to PREVENT diet-related diseases through OMICS sciences - Preventomics
PI: Josep del Bas
Institution: EURECAT
Subprojects: 1

- Tratamiento nutricional y cosmético personalizado mediante enfoque genético y metabolómico. YB-METAGENCODE. Perfilado metabolómico en muestras de orina.
PI: Nerea Abasolo
Institution: EURECAT
Subprojects: 1

- Clinical Metabolomics test by 1H-NMR
PI: Núria Amigó
Institution: Biosfer Teslab
Subprojects: 3


Medium/Small-Scale Projects

In this call 220 medium/small-scale projects justified by competitive funding have been processed by OmicsTech.


1 January 2017 – 31 December 2017

Large-Scale Projects

- Gene expression profiling of glioblastoma, including long intergenic non-coding RNA, in a homogeneous population: correlation with immunophenotype, radiology, clinical outcome and response to therapy. A multicenter study (2 ACCESS)
PI: Carmen Balañá
Institution: IGTP
Subprojects: 2

- Exome sequencing of oropharyngeal carcinoma (OPX-WES)
PI: Devasena Anantharaman
Institution: IARC
Subprojects: 3

- Target sequencing for Breast Cancer Stratification
PI: Ivo Gut
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 70

- Mechanisms of alternative pre-mRNA splicing regulation in cancer and pluripotent cells
PI: Juan Valcárcel
Institution: CRG
Subprojects: 3

- Short and long term prediction of response to anti-TFN in Crohn's disease patients
PI: María Chaparro Sánchez
Institution: Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
Subprojects: 1

- GCAT|Genomes for life. Cohort Study of the Genomes of Catalonia (Genomics)
PI: Rafael de Cid
Institution: IGTP
Subprojects: 6

- Pilot study to assess the impact of the genomic analysis in treatment decision-making in Oncology
PI: Ivo Gut
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 13

- Implementation of personalized medicine based on Genomics in Undiagnosed Neurological Rare Diseases
PI: Sergi Beltran
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 15

- Identificación de genes modificadores de penetrancia en enfermedades raras hereditarias mediante secuenciación massiva
PI: Irene Madrigal
Institution: IDIBAPS
Subprojects: 1

- Airway Disease PRedicting Outcomes through Patient Specific Computational Modelling
PI: Ivo Gut
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 0

- Inflammatory Bowel Disease CHARACTERization by a multi-modal integrated biomarker study
PI: Ivo Gut
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 5

- Silver fir genome sequencing project
PI: David Neale
Institution: University of California
Subprojects: 15

- Analysis Pirean genome
PI: Oscar Lao
Institution: CNAG
Subprojects: 6

- NAGEN: Proyecto Piloto sobre Uso Clínico de Medicina Genómica en Servicios Públicos de Salud de Navarra
PI: Ángel Alonso
Institution: Navarrabiomed
Subprojects: 32

- Phylogeography and somatic evolution of cancer tumor cells
PI: David Posada
Institution: Universidad de Vigo
Subprojects: 40

- Single cell analysis for modeling Huntington’s disease in vitro
PI: Josep Canals
Institution: IDIBAPS
Subprojects: 1

- New generation sustainable tools to control emerging mite pests under climate change
PI: Jerry Cross
Institution: NIAB EMR
Subprojects: 6

- Targeting endothelial dysfunction in highly prevalent diseases: characterization and validatin of prognostic biomarkers and identification of potential therapeutic strategies
PI: JC García Pagán 
Institution: IDIBAPS
Subprojects: 2

- GCAT|Genomes for life. Cohort Study of the Genomes of Catalonia (Metabolomics)
PI: Rafael de Cid
Institution: IGTP
Subprojects: 1


Medium/Small-Scale Projects

In this call 231 medium/small-scale projects justified by competitive funding have been processed by OmicsTech.