OmicsTech offers competitive open access to researchers working at national or international R&D institutions, hospitals or companies under the following policy guidelines:
- OmicsTech assists researchers in Genomics, Metabolomics and Proteomics providing expertise in project design, omics technologies, data analysis and results interpretation.
- The OmicsTech services are available on a fee-for-service basis.
- Two calls for projects every year.
- All services are performed by OmicsTech technical staff.
- Researchers participating in the Spanish National R+D+I Plan should formally express their intention to use OmicsTech during the application process.
- OmicsTech offers personalized follow-up for large-scale projects positively evaluated by the Access Committee, including regular meetings, periodic reports on project status, and specific technical adjustments if necessary.
- For large-scale projects positively evaluated by the Access Committee, capacity is reserved to ensure the timely analysis of submitted samples.