Access Protocol

Open Call   1st July 2024 - 15th December 2024

1st step

Researchers are required to contact OmicsTech to discuss the project feasibility, design, sample requirements, tentative calendar and cost.

OmicsTech contact points by area:

Two access modalities are considered:

  • Small/Medium-scale projects
  • Large-scale projects, that must be evaluated by an external committee

Examples of large-scale projects are:


  • WGS human projects that include more than 50 samples
  • WES and RNA-seq projects that include more than 100 samples
  • De novo assembly and annotation projects that include more than 5 samples
  • Single Cell analysis projects that include more than 30 samples

Metabolomics, Proteomics and Multiomics

Projects with more than 24 samples for proteome quantification, characterization post-translational modifications, identification of protein interactions can be considered as large-scale. Exceptionally, projects with less samples, but which require a large fraction of resources (time/material) of the infrastructure will also be considered large-scale.

2nd step

OmicsTech will issue a service contract for the agreed experiments that has to be formally accepted by the user before starting any experimental procedure.

3rd step

Large-scale omics projects are required to fill in the OmicsTech Access Form available at:

More info


OmicsTech offers competitive open access to researchers working at national or international R&D institutions, hospitals or companies under the following policy guidelines.

OmicsTech assists researchers in Genomics, Metabolomics and Proteomics providing expertise in project design, omics technologies, data analysis and results interpretation.

The OmicsTech services are available on a fee-for-service basis.

All services are performed by OmicsTech technical staff.

Researchers participating in the Spanish National R+D+I Plan should formally express their intention to use OmicsTech during the application process.

OmicsTech offers personalized follow-up for large-scale projects positively evaluated by the Access Committee, including regular meetings, periodic reports on project status, and specific technical adjustments if necessary.

For large-scale projects positively evaluated by the Access Committee, capacity is reserved to ensure the timely analysis of submitted samples.